View Profile Left4DeathInFire
Don't mess with me and I won't mess with you.

Age 28, Male


Joined on 5/27/10

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Left4DeathInFire's News

Posted by Left4DeathInFire - July 31st, 2010

Okay! I have released my fourth submission to newgrounds which is a tutorial. I didn't know whether I was gonna submit it or not because of all the tutorials but, because I hadn't seen it around before on newgrounds. I decided to create one. I know for a fact that I am doing another one next week. I don't know If I will do any after that though. People have PM'ed me about the Chao PC incident and I really don't know what to say. I already started a new game project so I don't think that I will create it anytime soon. I have started a 2D Platform Shooter some what like the new hit game Breach. I am releasing it in parts, I suspect that there will be 5 parts, I am looking to release the first part by the 25th. After I am finished with about the 3rd part of Bob in Mech World, I will start to recreate Chao PC. After Chao PC is released I will continue Bob in Mech World.

Posted by Left4DeathInFire - July 30th, 2010

You, the Honorable people of Newgrounds, will not believe what has happened to me in the sense of Chao PC! I was working on a team of people from my school, which I didn't know had a flash team, to create and bring you Chao PC. I was excited to be working on a team that I could talk with in person. BUt, I found something fishy during the creation process, I was the only one doing work. I asked the 3 other people that I was working with to only do 1 thing: "Please, Get Chao Sprites." and suddenly I am the bad guy. I was working on the AS during the time and wanted to finish these changing variables. I worked until yesterday. We worked out a deal that, I would put it on newgrounds and they would put it on a website of their choice. I was the only one with a flash drive large enough to carry the entire game (16 g. Flash Drive). I let them borrow so they could put it on their chosen websites. Here I am next day, Not only is the project gone but, everything on my flash drive is gone. Flash FIles, Art, Literature, My Brother's Game Maker files, and most importantly my Sims 3 files that I had on my flash drive so I could play anywhere I went but, their websites got the games. I don't even know which website they put it on and no doubt they didn't credit me, the everything of that project. If anyone was anticipating Chao PC to come out, I am deeply sorry. I might recreate it.

Posted by Left4DeathInFire - July 24th, 2010

Chao PC is postponed until next Friday. I am not near my Flash-Enabled computer so, We will have to post poned the arrival of Chao PC 1.1.6. Sorry. Things Like this happens. I was unexpectedly pulled from my home for a couple of days. Time for good news!
For 1, I am going to start making My Insight on: Shaman King and My Insight on: Yu Yu Hakusho ASAPARCPC: That means As soon as possible after the releae of Chao PC. They will be the same format and general Idea of the Anime Tutor's Mini Series i.e. 1.5,2.5,3.5. But, There will be better backgrounds, better anime character design, and a little animation. I will release Shaman King then Yu Yu Hakusho.
For 2, I have started to solicite myslef to collabs. I am really excited about working on a team of people. I am not saying anything without the organizer's permission but, I think it will be very good. If you have a collab that needs some peeps, look me up and I will see IF I can participate, If I say I will LOOK at it, please do not assume that I WILL join. Some People just don't have the level of skill as you do. I am so far in 1 collab and am waiting on responses of 2.
For 3, I am expanding my animations and honing my skill, as you can tell I haven't made anything serious besides Chao PC and that isn't the most original flash game. So, I am really trying to make some more serious. So, I have started to make some character design sheets for a script that my buddy made, he will most likely be making a Newgrounds Account in the next week. I forget the name but, There is a anime submission about this girl that is trying to commit suicide and hilariously fails each time but, It gets serious when she actually does it with a sad undertone. That is somewhat it.
Last but, not least good thing #4, I have a idea for a Collab, which should have probably been put in the collab good thing but, whatever. I have a idea, and I don't want to say what I am thinking because there are some nasty people who would still my idea. I want to make a series of 5 eps. and then make a spin off collab but, there is only 2 things stopping me from doing that. There is a rule... My b/a must be 3.30 or 3.50 I forgot and I must have atleast 1 submission with a score of atleast 3.30 or 3.50. I am not trying to get pity, I swear on my life, I was just trying to inform people. I can assure you it will be a easy collab basically all you need is drawing and simple animation skills so, If you would want to reserve a spot go ahead! I would welcome it.

Posted by Left4DeathInFire - July 22nd, 2010

Chao PC:
That is right! I am making a game based on the good ol' Sonic Pet simulators that over 500,000 people enjoy and often than not LUV! I just wanted to take the time out to explain somethings that will be in the game as far as V.1.6, So far what we have and we are planing on doing in the next fix up week.
All Normal Variables i.e. Hungry, Playfulness, Stamina
All Stats i.e. Run, Swim, Fly, Power
A Clock: Real Time
Alignment i.e. Hero Chao, Dark Chao, Neutral Chao
Hourly Alignment Events i.e. Your chao has met another chao! What shall your chao do? Play, Greet, or Bully?
Items i.e. Chaos Drives, Fruit, Toys

To Be Added This Week:
Chao and Trainer NPCs
A Pause Menu w/ Stats, Alignment etc.
A Store Menu
A Inventory Menu
Save and Load

I want to explain these things:
We need a minigame to add into the game for Ring Collection. We were thinkin' about making a minigame that was done before but, We need to think about originality. We haven't came up with the minigame yet, but We are in the process of brainstorming as we speak. I know this has been done but, We will do 2 and one shall be Chao Bounce with a Trampoline or something to catch and lunge the Chao into the air, and a small FPS with Dark Chao Dummies but, still hasn't been decided.
Easy Variable
Pause Menu w/ Stats etc.
Pretty Simple also, as well as the other menus.

Version Updates:
Chao Alignment Transformation
Chao Stat Transformation
Online Player Capability if Possible

Chao Align. Transformation:
We do not have the feature of changing the Chao's appearance along with alignment. We would like to add this in the near future.
Chao Stat Transformation:
We do not have the feature of changing the Chao's appearance along with stats. We would like to add this in the near future.
Online Multiplayer:
We do not know much about this but, If we do some more research on it we may be able to add Multiplayer servers to play with friends.
We would like to add this feature into the game, It seems more Chao-ish. We may add it this week along with the NPCs.

That is all the info on Chao PC, that you will have before release.
Anime Tutor:
Like I said, I am ending the Anime Tutor series but, maybe not entirely...I was thinking about keeping my own personal Anime and Manga reviews but, They will not be called Anime Tutor. They will be called My Insight on: Shaman King. Was that a hint, I smell?

Posted by Left4DeathInFire - July 20th, 2010

Yeah, I know a lot people haven't seen it or even care about it enough to like it and I do admit that it was really bad. So I decided to discontinue the Anime Tutor series on the 1.5 episode. But, I will be submitting a game soon. I am still working on it. I don't really want to say anything.

Posted by Left4DeathInFire - July 5th, 2010

I haven't been on and I haven't been doing ANY flashes, I was to occupied on getting Adobe Photoshop CS4 and Dreamweaver. I am working on the anime tutors, starting next week because this week I have a relative.

Posted by Left4DeathInFire - June 19th, 2010

Look... My recent flash post are to inform people about Anime. The main part (Ex. Anime Tutor 1,2,3,etc.) is to inform people about anime in general. The history, the affects on today's generation, yada yada yada. So Don't say it has no point because, it does. If you like Anime you could watch it to see if you find out something you didn't know before, and If you don't really like Anime but, would like to learn about it, here ya go! Now the secondary part (Ex. Anime Tutor 1.5,2.5,3.5,etc.) is to inform people about certain Anime. Like the one that I have now is about Soul Eater. A person reviewed it and said it had no point and this was my response:"He is talking about a popular anime show. If you are interested in anime but, don't watch Soul Eater, look at this and you will get a short overview of the show to see if you would like it.". Another person reviewed it and said it was spoiler-palooza and I responded with: "Well, Obviously you do not watch the show because everything that I said is explained in the first three episodes, and to make sure that I didn't spoil the show, I made it shorter so that anybody who watches this but, doesn't watch the show would still have a lot in for them.". So now you know!

Posted by Left4DeathInFire - June 19th, 2010

I finally did it! It is the start to my anime tutor series. I will just talk about anime, and a mini series that includes the character's brother, will include reviews and stuff about a anime that I like! But, It did get through judgment and I'm glad low rating though. But, That won't stop me and people have been writing dumb reviews. But, Still! Hope my next one gets through!

Posted by Left4DeathInFire - June 1st, 2010

So much good flash here, I don't think that I will be able to compete with all these good flashes! I barely know how to do it so I think I will hone my skills a little more just before I start posting some of my flashes.

Posted by Left4DeathInFire - May 27th, 2010

Hi, I am new to Newgrounds, and I just wanted to say thank you for letting me into your fantastic gaming, movie, flash community. I also have a tradition for posting why I chose my username because for every website I have a different username. I was playing a riveting game of Left 4 Dead on my Xbox 360 on Xbox Live and while we were at Mercy Hospital on the roof. My friend threw a molotov to hurt the Tank and I was dragged by a Smoker into the fire and no one came to help me. I burned and to make it even worse the Tank came to beat me into a pulp. So that is why my username is Left4DeathInFire!